Storytelling for Families


Telling stories is a great way to create family fun while strengthening literacy skills. Listen to the audio recordings of some of the stories you heard during the family event by clicking on the YouTube links below, then retell your favourites as a family. 

The story of The Runaway Pancake can be retold using stick puppets. Here's how you can do it:

  1. First, download the puppet outlines (located below) and print them out. Cut out the outlines of the characters - the pancake, the mommy, the man, the dog, the cat, the chicken, the sheep, the pig, and the fox.
  2. Colour the characters using markers or crayons. You can also use glitter or stickers to make the characters more colourful and fun.
  3. Tape the characters onto popsicle sticks to make them into puppets.
  4. Once you have your puppets ready, gather your family members and retell the story of The Runaway Pancake using the stick puppets. Assign different characters to each family member and have them act out the scenes of the story.
  5. Encourage your family to use their imagination and create their own versions of the story. You can even add your own twists and turns to the story to make it more exciting.
  6. After the story is over, you can have a pancake-making activity as a fun follow-up! Remember, the most important part of retelling a story is to have fun and enjoy the time with your family. Happy storytelling!



The Runaway Pancake puppet outlines
Here are the outlines of the characters you can use to make the stick puppets from the story, then use the puppets to help retell the story. Print out the story characters and colour them any way you'd like. Cut them out and glue them to craft stick and retell the story together as a family!